Sep 25, 2010

Number and Color Recognition

Hundreds Chart

We have been practicing counting from 0- 100, as well as skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's. Please review counting each night to help your student gain as much success as possible. Thank you for all that you do for your children.

Good Touch- Bad Touch By: Mrs. Quarles

Mrs. Quarles, the school Counselor came into Mrs. Judy's class to talk with the students about good touch/ bad touch. The students paid close attention to what Mrs. Q was teaching them and learned the 5 body rules. Thank you Mrs. Q for coming in and speaking to our class. We really enjoyed your visit and took what you said to heart.

McTeacher's Night

October 14th 5:00- 8:00 p.m.
Please come out and support Taylors Creek Elementary School by eating at McDonalds in Hinesville on highway 196. 20% of all sells will be donated to the school, so please come out and show your support. This is the easiest fundraiser that you can take part in, so will you come out and show your support to TCE? I sure hope so. Mrs. Judy hopes to see all of her students as well as their families eating at McDonalds on October 14, 2010.

Silly Bandz

Attention parents and students-
I know that silly bandz are the new and hip thing
right now, but they must be kept at home. They are
not allowed at TCE and if I see your child wearing
one, I will take it and put it in his/ her bookbag
with a note. So, please NO SILLY BANDZ at
school. Thanks for your cooperation in this

Sep 12, 2010

Here is a tagxedo of two of our nursery rhymes!

Here is a tagxedo of two of our nursery rhymes!!!

What Makes a Shadow?

This past week, we started our unit on Shadows. The students have really enjoyed learning about what makes a shadow, as well as looking at their shadows when going outside. Please encourage your child to tell you what they have learned about shadows. Ask them where the sun is positioned if their shadow is short and fat? Where is the sun if their shadow is long and skinny? We will further explore this subject this week in our open court readings.


P.E. Superstars

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Mrs. Judy's Birthday

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Sep 2, 2010

Annabella Swift, Kindergartener

In Open Court Reading, this week we have been reading about a little girl named Annabella Swift. She was nervous about entering Kindergarten for the first time, but her sister Lucy tried to prepare her for what all to expect. At first, Annabella thought that her sister had given her all the wrong advice about what she needed to know, but in the end, she was very proud of the knowledge that she recieved from her sister.
